July 04, 2018

What i'm Wearing

As the summer begins and the school terms end, we find ourselves yet again in sale mode. 


Heart-breakingly it feels like the end – though we are so happy to offer lovely summer clothing at discounted prices, just in time for the holidays and in order to make way for new stock to fill your wardrobes for the Autumn.


Wilfred Coat


My absolute favourites this season have taken me from the bitter chill of spring in New York.


Lola Frill Neck Smock Dress


to the balmy summer in London


Penelope Overall Dress

 to work and for every day.
This is what I have been wearing….


Robin Oversized Slouch Coat


Another Favourite


Maryanne Asymmetirc Front Blouse
Cosima Trousers
Sandy Funnel Neck Smock
Alistair Draped Asymmetrical Skirt
Daphne Oversized Dungarees


Stock of my favorite things is low...so don't dally too long.


Silvie Square Oversized Sweater
xx Christina xx