November 25, 2017
Small Business Saturday
Small businesses, of which we are undoubtedly one, will have their moment in the floodlight on the first Saturday of December, which this year falls on the 2nd.
Now in its fifth year, the occasion was invented by American Express – a business which could not be bigger. However, we are not ones to judge, being a small business and all that.
Why would it be necessary to celebrate small businesses? To support them in such a way? Surely small businesses are a more interesting prospect than large ones and surely it should not be necessary to give them a whole day, all to themselves where they can shout from the rooftops, your inbox and in the media.
Well as a small business I say yes. Yes please. Please remind the world that small businesses exist, that they are little tiny enterprises, where real people gather round real tables and discuss how to make a business, a living, an interesting employment, a lively and jolly life.
Where they invent things that will enrich your life or your wardrobe. Things that, yes will be re-interpreted by bigger businesses in the not too distant future, but more often than not, we got there first.
There is a saying “when you buy from a small business – an actual person does a little happy dance” this is very true. We are thrilled by every purchase, thrilled every time someone notices us, speaks about us, knows us, declares love for us. We are small, we like it that way, but in order to survive, we and a million other small businesses need to be noticed and supported.
So on the 2nd of December, we will fling open our doors and hope to entice you away from shopping malls, department stores, high street chains and supermarkets, and we shall all welcome you into our lovely shops and market places and we shall be delighted to serve you.